• PHP168 SQL万能标签(1)–首页调用论坛会员+头像

    Mysql语句:   SELECT A.*,A.uid AS id,A.username AS title FROM cdb_members A   ORDER BY A.lastvisit  DESC LIMIT 9 语句解析:   此语句是论坛最近活动会员调用。。 如需调用最近发帖,最后注册,最后发表请修改红色部分  只标签只提供演示:如有其他的SQL要写的可以联系我们 感谢P8能出MYSQL万能标签只要是你数据库里有的数据,就都能调出来 PHP168 SQL万能标签(1)--首页调用论坛会...阅读全文
    作者:admin | 分类:php168 | 阅读:
    Warning: Use of undefined constant the_views - assumed 'the_views' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.wmphp.com/wp-content/themes/wmphp/archive.php on line 19
  • php168关于版权的相关修改

    1、   在模板文件里面的修改:template\default里面的head.htm文件标题部分:<title>$titleDB[title]                      Powered by www.php168.com  </title>去掉Powered by www.php168.com 至于前面的 php168整站  就是在后台修改核心设置,全局参数网站名称那里设置 2、底部版权修改 template\default里面的foot.htm(注:免费用户请保留版权) 查找 Powered by <a ...阅读全文
    作者:admin | 分类:php168 | 阅读:
    Warning: Use of undefined constant the_views - assumed 'the_views' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.wmphp.com/wp-content/themes/wmphp/archive.php on line 19