• Zend Studio - 8.0.1 调试方法

    在安装完Zend Studio - 8.0.1之后,点击调试 或者运行,在PHP web page中,不紧打不开,而且还会报错出现 the connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost 错误,解决这个方法其实不难,安装Zend Server 5.1.0,这样就可以解决问题,但安装完之后,还得需要设 置,在上篇文章中,已经写得很明白,安装Zend Server 5.1.0后,在Apache2 目录下找到conf目录,打开httpd.con...阅读全文
    作者:admin | 分类:Zend | 阅读:
    Warning: Use of undefined constant the_views - assumed 'the_views' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.wmphp.com/wp-content/themes/wmphp/archive.php on line 19
  • zend studio 8 配置

    几天花了些时间在捣腾PHP的开发环境,主要是: zend studio 8 + zend server + aptana studio 在此简单说下关于使用哪个zend版本的问题:从zend 6开始,zend使用的是eclipse核心,所以也都叫做zend for eclipse,我也曾经是zend 5.5的忠实支持者,但是软件的升级确实带来了很多的便利,当然也有些缺陷,在此不多讨论,大家根据实际情况和喜好选择,不过如果想搭建zend server 和 aptana stu...阅读全文
    作者:admin | 分类:Zend | 阅读:
    Warning: Use of undefined constant the_views - assumed 'the_views' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.wmphp.com/wp-content/themes/wmphp/archive.php on line 19
  • Zend Studio下载

    Zend Studio 8.0.0 正式版官方下载地址(未包含IBM i edition下载) windows版:http://downloads.zend.com/..ZendStudio-8.0.0.msi linux版(32位):http://downloads.zend…./ZendStudio-8.0.0-x86.tar.gz linux版(64位):http://downloads.zend….ZendStudio-8.0.0-x86_64.tar.gz 适用于Mac_OS_X的DMG安装格式:http://downloads.zend….ZendStudio-8.0.0.dmg Zend Studio 8.0.0 Beta2 ...阅读全文
    作者:admin | 分类:Zend | 阅读:
    Warning: Use of undefined constant the_views - assumed 'the_views' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.wmphp.com/wp-content/themes/wmphp/archive.php on line 19